With eProSim etecmo provides a complete and fully integrated driving simulator for professional use. eProSim is not just a driving simulator . It is a turnkey training tool specially developed over years to cover the needs of racing teams and drivers.
The simulator is delivered fully configured and ready to be used. It is compatible with F2 F3 F4 FE EC3 and Freca real car steering wheels. Integrates a 120 Hz. Projection system using 4k projectors. It can be purchased with a 3DOF motion system.
It is compatible with F2 F3 F4 FE EC3 and Freca real car steering wheels. Integrates a 120 Hz. Projection system using 4k projectors. It can be purchased with a 3DOF motion system.
Includes a control Desk with session management and analysis software
etecmo steering force unit SFU is a high-performance simulator steering system with built in 10 KHz closed loop torque controller
Wintax 4 Data acquisition system
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